​​Tundra Masonry Makes Winter Masonry Work Look Easy!

Perhaps similar to other masonry companies, Tundra Masonry wants to be as busy as we are in the summertime throughout the whole year. Work stopages due to seasonal weather changes effects masonry companies negatively in the following ways: We attract less quality employees due to more mature workers wanting to work all year and less mature workers wanting to sit at home; although a smaller piece of the pie for owners, there is more profit to be made; and stopping every winter hinders company growth in many other ways! This is why Tundra Masonry has focused on becoming winter masonry specialists.

Although winter time involves more labour for tending to heaters and setting up heated enclosures, Tundra Masonry try's to make the cost of masonry in the colder months similar to the cost it would be in the warmer months. Aside from propane costs which roughly are 5% to 10% more on your projects expense, Tundra Masonry does not charge for all the other costs associated with winter Masonry. These other costs may bring the cost of your project up more than 50% depending on the contractor. And some contractors may not disclose these costs with you until the job has started or perhaps as they are invoicing you.

One of the biggest advantages of using Tundra Masonry for your winter project is the fact that we maintain a temperature of at least 5 degrees C around our finished work for 24 hours a day while most other masonry companies would just heat while the masonry units are being installed and turn off the heat overnight. Leaving the heat on overnight stops the mortar joints from freezing which effects the quality of the mortar joint negatively and also improves production due to the fact that in the morning masons don't have to wait for material to heat up.

Insulated tarps are key to efficiently performing masonry work in cold weather. While most other masonry companies use cheap thin plastic tarps Tundra Masonry has invested in insulated tarps. Insulated tarps are at least twice as effective in resisting the conductive flow of heat which means we use half the propane! Another advantage of insulated tarps is the weight of the tarp prevents it from blowing in the wind as easily and this helps keep enclosures firm during a windstorm. There is only one drawback of insulated tarps, which is an insulated tarp is so thick that it does not allow sunlight during the day to pass through it, which means we need lighting, which means we need electricity.

We are hoping that we've made winter masonry work, more desirable. Your winter masonry project does not have to wait until the spring! Get in touch with us to discuss your project today!

​80 BTU tent heater does a better job at heating an enclosure than a 150 BTU Salamander Heater

An insulated tarp enclosure 

By far Tundra Masonry's secret weapon for winter masonry is the type of heater we use. We use tent heaters. Most other masonry companies use a heater called a salamander, which is basically a flamethrower, that emits an awful lot of heat that usually stays in one area and does not spread, needless to say, very inefficient. The combustion of a tent heater happens in a box which makes it much safer to leave unattended. Tent heaters come equipped with a powerful fan that blows heat throughout an enclosure and you can attach a thermostat to a tent heater to regulate the heat all of which makes tent heaters twice as efficient at heating an enclosure than a typical salamander. Another advantage of a tent heater is the fact that you can easily switch it to burn cheaper natural gas, if it is available. The disadvantages of tent heaters is they require a very stable power supply.